Ronit Eden. curator & exhibition designer offers curatorship and exhibition design

© Ronit Eden. concept & spatial design

Design: Cubicle Design

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8th Jul 2015, Ron Mandos gallery, Amsterdam


BEST OF GRADUATES 2016. When you visit an academy’s graduation exhibition, your mind set has to be adjusted to a different mode; different than visiting any other exhibition. In these exhibitions, students can show immature works or a beginning of a search, it is even recommended. But many times they are trying to show final products in these graduation exhibitions, which are many times with a weak artistic statement. The work of Anatole de Benedictis surprised me! Humble, precise works on A4 papers which look like an urban plan and a typography at the same time, sliding between the scale of the city and the scale of letters. Touching De Stijl, Mondrian and others but whilst maintaining a unique voice.